Tuesday, November 20, 2007

SOLD! ITEM #2: BOOK: The truth about Hillary by Edward Klein

I was addicted to the West Wing in 2006 and after watching the final season on TV earlier this year I started to become interested in ‘real’ American politics. So I bought this book at Borders using a $10 off voucher.

In the book I’ve underlined all the words that I wanted to look up in the dictionary. Examples include: obstreperous (page 16), consigliore (page 28), pugnacious (page 29), and gubernatorial (page 33).

I was planning to read this book, then Hilary’s autobiography, and then the books written by the other republican and democrat candidates. I couldn’t get through anything other than this book.

The full list I wanted to read is as follows:

  • Hillary Clinton, Living history (Didn’t get past the intro. She loves bragging about herself)
  • Barack Obama, The audacity of hope (started this, but couldn’t stick with it because he name drops a lot. And I don’t understand the reference)
  • John Edwards, Home: the blueprints of our lives
  • Al Gore, An inconvenient truth (saw the documentary, borrowed the book – very environmentally friendly – but didn’t read it)
  • John McCain, Character is destiny
  • Rudolph Giuliani, Leadership
  • Newt Gingrich, Rediscovering God in America
  • Mitt Romney, Turnaround
  • George Pataki, Pataki: An autobiography
  • Mike Huckabee, From hope to higher ground
  • Chuck Hagel, Voices of war

If you ever get the chance to read any of the above books, I’d be happy to hear a book review.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I can borrow this book, then you can re-list it on your blog. I don't usually read many biographies, they seem pretty heavy going. So if I'm too slow at reading it, feel free to give it to another of your blog readers that wants it, I can always borrow it from the library.

I was intrigued to see a snippet on the news about Hillary running for something, maybe president?

I would like to read the Rudolph Giuliani book too, is he the guy who was mayor of New York when turned it around from a crime-ridden place to a not-so-crime-ridden place?

mine said...

hmmm... this is not really a site to loan stuff out. I think you'll just have to keep it!

From what I can gather, Hillary has to win the demoncrats presidential nomination before she can run for president (like becoming the leader of the opposition in Australia). So she has to beat the likes of Obama and Giuliani. Should be interesting!